Kayla Parulis

If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

TENACIOUS OR WHOLE-HEARTED: I do not like to give up and truly pour my heart into everything.

What is your favorite thing about being a stylist?

Keeping up with the new trends + techniques! I see something online or on Instagram and immediately I am like OK, what techniques do I need to achieve this look? And then how do I master it?

What or who inspired you to become a stylist?

My Mommom - she is the light of my life! She is a stylist as well and claims she knew from when I was four years old that I would follow in her footsteps as soon as I had the chance to! I had a young talent of picking up the blow dryer and blowing out perfect bangs for everyone.

Do you have a favorite hair project to date?

That's a hard one...mostly all of my fun color projects. I love when someone shows me something that is green, pink or blue...but then when they wanna be natural, it's just a simple correction process and I love that as well!